Avoid Feeding Cancer Cells by Removing Processed Sugar

A cancer cell can absorb as much as 40% more sugar than a regular healthy cell. Cancer cells thrive on sugar- they love it. Although we don’t want to feed the cancer cells, the problem is that we need sugar to survive. The good news is that not all sugars are equal in quality and benefit. A little bit of knowledge about which ones are helpful or not is critical.

Many natural sugars are so healthy for us, the concerns about sugar intake are balanced by the healthy benefits from the food. Examples are organic berries like blueberries, apples, bananas, carrots and beets. Many of these foods have anticancer components with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Therefore, we need to be selective about the sugars we take in and choose the ones that serve our bodies well. Choosing natural sugars through fruits and vegetables are much better health choices than processed sugar.

Processed foods can cause inflammation, sugar spikes, high blood pressure, and weight gain. These “non-foods”, as I call them, are highly processed and often filled with sugar and other chemicals we can’t easily pronounce. They are used by the companies who sell them to extend the shelf life of its products and extract maximum profit.

These processing techniques reduce the quality and benefit of a normal plant to the point in which it has little or no nutritional value at all. After removing the main nutrients from the plant, the manufacturers replace them with chemicals and often sugars (like high fructose corn syrup) to make it taste good and last longer for maximum profit for the company making the food. Examples of common processed foods are: white bread, wheat flour, pasta, cookies, candy, soda, frozen foods, cereal, granola, ketchup, flavored yogurt, protein bars and white rice.

When we eat processed foods with sugar, like cookies for examples, our blood sugar levels can spike and often, people experience a temporary high creating inflammation in the body. After that, our blood sugar levels crash, and we feel famished. A common next step is that we reach out to the same offending processed food (here, the rest of the cookies) that will not give us what we really need which is nourishment. In this scenario, our system is not in balance because, although we have eaten, we still feel the urge to eat more. Often, this is the direct result of the processed food and sugar we take in.

When it comes to eating natural sugar like an apple, there is rarely such drama. You eat the apple and then you are done. I have yet to meet a person that gorges on apples. There is no drama but why? The reason is that the apple has the right balance of sugar, fiber and nutrients which slows down the blood sugar levels creating a satisfying treat with no urge to get more. This is the direct opposite of what happens when we eat food filled with processed sugar.

When fighting cancer, it is particularly important to avoid going on the roller coaster ride of the highs and lows of the sugar spikes as your immune system is forced to focus its energy on the irregularities in the bloodstream instead of the important task of fighting cancer cells. It’s the same demand when we don’t have cancer- the body is still being derailed to deal with the self-imposed irritation and inflammation in the body due to our food choices. Why weaken your body with foods that don’t serve you well?

A word of caution. The marketing of these processed foods will boast unbelievable promises like “wholesome” and “healthy for you”. Do not believe it. The only thing we can do to counteract their slick advertising is to spend time at the grocery store reading the ingredients of the food you plan to buy. Before you go, it will be helpful to learn the basics about healthier food choices. In my book, The Case of Hope, this topic is discussed in several sections as well as appendixes including: “A Beginner’s Guide to Healthy Food”; “When to Choose Organic”, “Food Additives to Avoid” and “Sneaky Sugars”.

Avoid Feeding Cancer Cells by Using Breathing Techniques and Exercise

When we breathe deeply or exercise like we mean it, we take in oxygen ( 02), which energizes our cells, tissues and organs and helps improve blood flow. We breathe out carbon dioxide (CO2), which removes toxins and waste from our bodies. Exercise, yoga, meditation, qigong, and breathing techniques can make the most of the breathing process.

Breathing techniques and exercises can be particularly impactful for those fighting cancer because cancer cells can’t thrive in a highly oxygenated environment. Breathing deeply, exercising, and using similar tools to create more oxygen in your body each day, supports the immune system that fights against cancer cells and other abnormal cells.

Shallow breathing, in comparison, creates less than optimal breathing. It is often associated with stress, feelings of panic or lack of activity. Low levels of oxygenation in our bodies, creates an ideal situation for cancer cells and its growth. Shallow breathing reduces oxygen intake and carbon dioxide removal. This situation limits critical blood flow in the body (cells, tissues and organs) and the removal of toxins and waste.

For more information regarding oxygenation, look for The Healing Power of Sound by Mitchell L. Gaynor, MD and the CD “The Wisdom of the Breath” by Bodyhipaksa ( www.SoundsTrue.com). I also discuss breathing techniques in my book, The Case for Hope, in Chapter 3, The Body: 9-1-1 “ How to Breathe”, “Exercise” and Chapter 5, The Mind: Moving Energy to Heal, “ Qigong”, “Meditation”, “Yoga”, and “Being in Nature”.

Avoid Feeding Cancer Cells by Using Alkaline Forming Foods

Another important thing to know about cancer cells is that they thrive best in an acidic environment in the body. On the other hand, an alkaline environment generally works in the opposite way—it is like kryptonite to cancer cells.

The reason is that an alkaline diet helps balance the pH levels in the body, supports essential minerals, and promotes higher levels of oxygen too, giving critical support to our organs, cells and immune system. In contrast, overly acidic body tissues can be a contributing factor for cancer growth by supporting inflammation and low oxygenation in the body.

As a result, the food we choose should include a balance between alkaline-forming foods and acid-forming foods, with an emphasis on alkaline foods to maximize health. Whether we are fighting cancer or not, an alkaline environment more easily allows the body to fight abnormal cells lurking in our bodies. Here, the environment better supports oxygenation and the immune system’s ability to identify cell abnormalities and destroy them much better than a predominantly acidic one could.

It’s also important to note that emotional stress can foster an acidic environment in the body. Troublemakers such as processed food, sugar, and excessive animal products also help to feed acidic conditions. Over time, those conditions make it harder for the body to absorb minerals and nutrients and can compromise the cells’ ability to create energy, repair themselves, and flush toxins.

To establish a more alkaline environment in our bodies, we can eat most vegetables, olive oil, some nuts, herbal teas, and some fruits, such as lemons, watermelon, and grapefruit. The challenge is to learn which foods are alkaline and which are acidic—it’s not always obvious. For example, although almonds and cashews are alkaline forming foods, walnuts are acidifying.

For optimal health, it’s not necessary to exclude acidic foods completely. In fact, that would not give you the balance you are looking for. The key is to incorporate both acidic foods and alkaline foods while favoring the alkaline ones. There is a good discussion about this topic in my book, The Case for Hope, Chapter 4 – “Understanding Acidic and Alkaline Foods” with an Appendix E which helps explain which foods are acid and alkaline forming foods.

Removing processed sugars and foods for natural sugars and food are strong choice we can make to reduce inflammation, support nourishment in our bodies, and support our immune system. Similarly breathing techniques, exercise, and eating a more alkaline diet, helps support needed oxygenation, health and many other benefits for our minds and bodies.

These are just a few examples of how we can create an environment in our bodies that are not hospitable for cancer cells and growth.